Green roofing is the next “big thing” for a lot of people – and examples of remarkable green roofs can be found all around the internet.  We wanted to share some of our favorites:

1. Ever considered living in a houseboat… with a green roof?  This German company designed one:

German Green Houseboat

German Houseboat

2. The fort on which the movie Shutter Island was based had a green roof.  Why?  To help absorb the impact from cannon fire.


Green roof helped absorb cannon fire.

Green roof helped absorb cannon fire.

3. Metal roofs.  There are some great and unique metal roofing options.  We like how the shingles are placed on the roof below.

Metal Roofing is a green option

Metal Roofing is a green option


4. There’s a place called “Goats on the Roof“.  Seriously.

We suppose it's one way to maintain a green roof.

We suppose it’s one way to maintain a green roof.

5. A green roof for your dog house?  It could work to keep the space cooler…


It can do double duty - keep your dog cool and grow herbs for your kitchen.

It can do double duty – keep your dog cool and grow herbs for your kitchen.

Tom Leach Roofing