We have discussed many things here, from green roofing, to roof top gardens, to types of roofing.  However, there are many types of interesting, zany roofs out there today.  We’ll talk about some of the more extreme ideas people have come up with:

The Grassy Roof/The Hobbit House

This is one of our favorites. Ever since seeing a picture of a restaurant in Wisconson with goats grazing on the roof, this idea has seemed very fun.

However, it is tough to build a green roof like this.  You have to be capable of accounting for the turf needed, as well as the added weight of water and of the plants that are on the roof.  This means you not only have to support the roof further, but the structural integrity of your entire home must be stable.

Either way, it’s a fun, green idea.

The Comic Roof

Have you seen sculpture that looks like it’s halfway into the building?  There are places like Frys Electronics that do this with some of their buildings (there’s a spaceship invading their Burbank, CA store).  Some homeowners have been inspired by this idea and ran with it, like the home in England that has a shark diving into the house, from the roof.

Classic Sculpture

We’ve seen gargoyles on roofs of churches, and Poseidon statue overlooking a sidewalk in downtown Portland.  You can get such statues installed on your own roof to give it some character.

In fact, there are lots of items specifically made for installation on rooftops that are really fun.  Just make sure to get a pro to install them, you don’t want your new item causing leaks in your roof!

In closing, have fun with your roof.  It’s a structure that can give your home more character and curb appeal.