Choosing to remodel your roof is a great step towards creating the home of your dreams. You may opt for a roof remodel if your roof is several decades old, you have a variety of repairs that need to be made, or you are merely looking to change the overall appearance of your home’s exterior. No matter what your reasoning is, there are several things you need to know that will help you before, during, and after your roof remodel. Read on to for helpful tips that will ensure your roofing remodel goes as smoothly as possible.

Decide on the Right Contractor and Upgrades

Any roof remodel starts with the right contractor. Before you move forward with any kind of roofing remodel or repair, you will want to make sure you choose the best contractor in your area to work with. It is worth the time and investment to make sure you hire the best contractor possible to take care of your remodel.

Before you prepare your home for your roofing remodel, you will want to work closely with your roofing contractor to make sure you are both on the same page. Take as much time as you need to go over the preplanning steps. The right contractor will be more than happy to meet with you and explain the remodeling processes and procedures. Also, be sure you understand what kind of materials you are investing in and that the roofing remodel you proceed forward with is sure to stand the test of time.
Tom Leach Roofing Portland OR

Before Your Remodel Takes Place

There are lots of little things you will want to take care of before your roof remodel begins. Below you will find a list of things you will want to accomplish before your contractor arrives and starts working. Consider the following tasks described below to help you prepare your yard, home, and family members for the upcoming renovation.

Prepare Your Yard

Remove Potted Plants
Protect your plants from any falling debris by moving them into your garage, shed, or elsewhere out of the way. If certain plants are too heavy to move, be sure to cover them with a tarp or specialized wrapping to protect them from any ongoing construction.

Remove Patio Furniture
Removing any outdoor furniture you have is a good idea for two reasons. One, it will protect your furniture from dust and debris. Second, it will give workers more space to move around and store tools they may need during your roof remodel.

Clear Your Deck
Make sure your deck is cleared of any chairs, tables, and other items. Your deck may be a good place for workers to store their equipment while they work. Keeping it cleared will not only ensure that your furniture doesn’t get damaged, but that the roofers have plenty of space to move around.

Clear Toys
Be sure to remove any children’s toys from around the outside of your home and yard. If you have toys or jungle gyms that are too big to move into your garage or elsewhere, cover them with a tarp to protect them from debris.

Clear Your Garden
Remove any small, decorative items you may have in your yard or garden. These items might include statues, bird feeders, decorative lights, and other ornamental features.

Mark and Wrap Vulnerable Plants
If you have plants or trees in your yard that are close to your home, you might want to consider marking them with brightly colored tape or wrapping them in a tarp. That way, you will protect them from dust and debris, and also alert workers that they should be careful near or around them.

Move Vehicles
Make it a priority to move your vehicles to the street before construction on your roof begins. This is one step you shouldn’t forget. Any falling debris could damage the paint on your vehicle and may lead to an expensive repair. To ensure this doesn’t happen, move your car out of your driveway and to the street long before construction begins.

Cut Your Grass Beforehand
It is a good idea to cut your grass before your roofing contractor gets started on your remodel. This will make it easier for workers to clean-up and notice when nails or other debris fall to the ground.

Mark Sprinklers
Once you’ve mowed your lawn, you will want to mark sprinkler heads so they are visible to the roofing team. As they move materials and tools around your property, this can be helpful so they do not trip or accidentally damage a sprinkler during your remodel.

Check Outdoor Electrical Outlets
Your roofer will likely need access to an outdoor electrical outlet to power their equipment. Check to make sure your outdoor outlets are working. If they are not working, you may need to prepare to have an extension cord run through your door or window to one of your indoor outlets so the roofing team can utilize power.

Inform and Talk to Your Neighbors
Don’t forget to inform your neighbors about your plans. Depending on how close their homes’ are in proximity to yours, it may be wise for them to move their own vehicles to the street or clear various items out of their driveways and yards.

Prepare Your Home

Protect Your Garage
The ceiling on your garage may not be as insulated as other parts of your home. If your garage is attached to your home and will be a part of the remodel, be sure to cover workbenches, bikes, and other items in your garage with tarps. This will help prevent your assets from becoming covered in dust or debris.

Remove Wall Decorations and Photos
A remodel can cause your house walls to move slightly due to the vibrations and equipment movement. You will want to remove hanging frames and other decorations from your walls to prevent them from falling and potentially breaking.

Be Prepared for Satellite Dish Removal
If you are having your entire roof remodeled, any satellite or tv dishes you have on your roof will need to be removed. Be prepared to have your television service temporarily shut off during your remodel if you rely on a satellite.

Prepare Your Family and Pets

Keep Your Pets Indoors and Comfort Them
If you have dogs, cats, or other small animals, you will need to take care to protect them as much as possible. It is best to keep them indoors and away from any construction. Additionally, you may want to provide extra comfort for your furry friends. Roofing can be scary and confusing for animals since there are usually lots of loud noises, unpredictable sounds, and strangers surrounding your home that may make them feel uneasy. Make sure to have toys and treats handy to keep them comforted and entertained.

Have Your Children Stay with a Family Member
If you have young children, you may want to have them stay with a family member for a day or two until your roofing remodel is completed. This is a good idea for their safety, as well as their personal comfort.

Roofers Redoing Home Roof

After Your Roof Remodel is Complete

  • Communicate with Your Roofing Contractor
    Once your remodel is complete, be sure to do an inspection with your roofing contractor by your side. Double-check that the work you both agreed upon has been completed in its entirety. Use this time to ask any additional questions you may have or get some tips on how you can best maintain your new roof.
  • Check Your Home and Driveway
    Before you start moving your car, plants, and lawn furniture back in place, make sure that the areas surrounding your home and driveway have been cleared completely. Your contractor should take care to clear nails, debris, tools, and extra materials so that you can safely move around the exterior of your home once the roofing project is complete.
  • Maintain a Positive Relationship with Your Contractor
    One of the last things you should consider as your roofing remodel comes to a close is maintaining a good relationship with your contractor. Make sure to pay them on time, compliment their work, and keep their number handy in case any issues pop up in the future. Preferably, you will want to rely on the same contractor that installed your roof for yearly maintenance or any other projects you may need help with later on.

Looking for an Experienced Roofing Contractor in Portland?

If you are ready for a remodel for your roof in the Portland-metro area, you deserve to work with an experienced and trustworthy contractor. At Tom Leach Roofing, we have the workers you need to help remodel your roof for the best price in town. We can provide everything from complete installations to minor repairs. Let us know how we can help and we’ll get started with your request today!

Fill out our contact form here and we’ll get back to you ASAP. Or, for a free estimate, give us a call now at 503-238-0303.