This year we seem to be alternating between surprise summer storms and blisteringly hot weather.  Many of us are used to the normal, Pacific Northwest rains here in Portland.  But we aren’t totally used to heavier rain storms and even hailstorms in summer. Here are several tips you can think with which will help you protect your home through stormy weather. question mark

Don’t let “little repairs” slide.  Be sure to get that cracked window replaced or repair an intermittent leak in the roof.  Catching and repairing the little things enables you to ensure they do not become a big problem.

Get your roof inspected.  If you are concerned in any way about storm damage done to your roof or you aren’t sure about your roof’s condition, get it inspected.

Trim back problem tree limbs. While there are particular times of year that are better for trimming a tree than others, getting any dead or dangerously low limbs trimmed back can normally be done any time of year.  Be sure to trim back anything which you suspect may cause a problem in the future.

Do your own visual inspection.  You can see most areas of your home by doing your own walk around the house.  Be sure to check any basement areas and window wells, along with your siding and above-ground windows.

Repair your walkways and steps.  Summertime footwear isn’t exactly slip-proof.  Make sure your walkways and steps are in good shape and seal them if they are made of concrete, brick, or stone.

Be sure your gutters are in good repair.  Gutters are a part of your roofing system.  They give the water a place to go.  Make sure yours are connected to your roof properly and are clean.  It’s also a good idea to periodically check your downspouts for leaks and to be sure they are facing away from your home.

Consider covering your patio.  With our rainy weather, you may get more use out of the back patio if your roof is built to extend over it.  This is a great way to protect any patio furniture you brought out for summer – as well as a nice way to enjoy the falling rain without getting wet.

Overall, keep your home in good repair.  This is your best protection against stormy weather.