Fall is on it’s way!  Here are some great ways to help your home feel summery as the skies begin to darken earlier: Big windows

1. Do a little “Fall cleaning.”  Instead of waiting until Spring to give your home a deep clean, take a day to get into all those nooks and crannies, throw out any ragged-looking furnishings, replace lightbulbs, and generally spruce your home up.  This simple act can really brighten your home.

As a note, getting your chimney cleaned, cleaning your gutters out, and generally getting all those normally neglected areas of your home cleaned up will make your home look better both inside and out.

2. Take advantage of the cooling weather and clean your windows – both inside and out.  When it’s hot out, it can be difficult to clean the outside of your windows because the heat may make the water evaporate too quickly.  Take some time this September and get your windows and screens cleaned.

3. Install a skylight or sun tunnel.  These fixtures are usually cheaper and easier to install than a window or bank of windows – and they add a lot of light to your home.  If you already have a skylight or sun tunnel, make sure it’s cleaned both indoors and outdoors so it lets in the most light it can.

4. Add bright white or brightly colored accents to your home.  You can do this by adding bright furnishings, couch covers, pillows, flowers, or art.  Another fun idea is painting an accent wall with a bright color or adding Paintingmore color to your home by painting your interior doors.

5. Get any vines removed from the outside of your home.  Vines and other creeping plants growing over your windows or creeping up to your roof not only will make your home significantly darker – they will damage the exterior of your home and can cause leaks.

6. Add mirrors into dark rooms.  Position mirrors around your home so they reflect the light coming in from windows, skylights, or light fixtures.  This will make the whole space feel brighter.  Mirrors aren’t the only reflective surfaces you can scatter around your home.  Try using crystal vases to hold your flowers, put glass or crystal art pieces on display, or add a glass-topped accent table to your living room.

7. Have  a yard sale.  We are headed into the Portland rain season – so take advantage of this time to de-clutter and have a yard sale or donate to charity.

8. Add flowers and plants around your home.  Nothing brightens up a home like lovely flowers scattered throughout in beautiful vases or bright pots.  Your home is going to stay warmer than the outdoors – so be sure to grow some shade-friendly flowers and keep your vases full.

Lets keep summer in our hearts and homes – even as we move into the cooler months.

Tom Leach Roofing